
Taco’s the healthy way…



Eating clean doesn’t have to mean eating boring. Fit Chow’s mission is to provide you with healthy and delicious alternatives to your favorite meals. We are taking the ‘guess’timating out of the equation and preparing meals that you can trust will keep you on track and reaching your fitness goals. One of our favorite menu items, Spiced Turkey Lettuce Wraps, helps satisfy your cravings for traditional Mexican dishes without adding disastrous inches to your waistline. Wrapping your favorite lean meat and sautéed veggies in lettuce will not only reduce your overall calorie intake, the crunchy greens will also provide you with more phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals than consuming your tacos on tortillas or taco shells.

Try adding these healthy toppings to your Spiced Turkey Wraps:

Cheese gets lost in the mix. Omit it to save calories–you won’t miss it.
When it comes to creamy toppings, choose sour cream or guacamole–not both.
Add moisture-choose tomato salsas as a lowcalorie/low-fat.
Add roasted corn, smoked peppers, or mango to boost flavor and nutrition to your topping.
In place of sour cream, consider using Greek yogurt, which has more protein but still has the tang!
Try adding chopped cucumber, green onions, diced tomatoes, cilantro, mushrooms, and green/red/yellow/orange peppers.

To order Fit Chow simply click on the link!


Heat, along with light and oxygen, can destroy the beneficial fats in some oils. Polyunsaturated fats are the most fragile and are not recommended for cooking. Coconut oil, being mainly a saturated fat, is able to withstand higher temperatures than other oils, making it one of the best oils for cooking. It also gives a delicious taste and superb texture to foods. (

At Fit Chow Atlanta, coconut oil is the only oil being used during any cooking that requires high heat.  To try Fit Chow, visit our website at

This week marked two years since opening the doors to the Brad Kolowich Jr Personal Training Studio!  Since the grand opening in 2012, the luxury private personal training studio has added two trainers, expanded the workout space, added multiple pieces of new equipment and continues to add special touches that rank it among the top fitness studio’s in Atlanta. The picture below features the six trainers who currently train in Brad Kolowich Jr’s Fitness Studio.

(Jonathan, Madeleine, Mandy, Brad, Tisch, Andy and Rocky a.k.a. the “Ruffer-ree”)

top personal trainers in atlanta


In celebration of the second birthday of Brad’s fitness studio, we sent our clients off with a HEALTHY post-workout protein cake ball!  Below is my secret recipe for an easy and healthy post-workout treat.

personal trainer in atlanta

1/3 cup chocolate whey protein

1/4 cup dry milk

1 tbsp honey

2 tbsp peanut butter

sugar free chocolate (or dark chocolate)

(water as needed)

Mix all ingredients together and add water slowly, until it forms a cookie dough consistency.  Scoop dough out using a tablespoon.  Form balls and place on wax paper sprayed with olive oil cooking spray.  Freeze for 30+ minutes.  Eat as is for a healthy, high-protein, low carb snack OR dip coat in melted chocolate for a post-workout treat.


Enjoy This Seasons Finest Foods

In the US, we enjoy practically unlimited access to any food any time of the year. Although it’s nice to have watermelon in February and asparagus in August, many people don’t even know that foods have a season, let alone what foods are in season at any given time of year.

But in the food world, local is the new exotic. Farmer’s markets are popping up in every neighborhood as consumers are realizing the benefits of eating food that was grown within miles of their mouths. Local food boasts a host of benefits, including better flavor, higher nutritional value, and less environmental burden. It’s healthier for you because you get the higher nutrient levels from just-picked produce. It’s healthier for the environment because local food uses less fossil fuel for transport. It tastes better because it really is fresh (not shipped-from-across-the-country-yet-still-bearing-a-label-that-says-fresh). And it’s also interesting, as each season brings a new crop of foods that you haven’t had for an entire year. Before you’ve had a chance to tire of its bounty, the season changes to bring new, flavorful foods.

If you want to eat healthy, home-cooked meals without all the fuss, try a seasonal pantry makeover! To do it, stock up on locally-grown foods—a fun trip to your local farmer’s market will yield the majority of the ingredients you need—and simply create meals based on what’s in season in your region.

Availability will vary from region to region, but here’s a list of foods that make spring their season, along with tips on how to incorporate the new-to-you ingredients into your meals.

Atlanta Personal trainer - What to Eat This Spring


Artichokes. A perfect springtime appetizer, serve artichokes that have been boiled until tender (about an hour) with homemade garlic butter for dipping. Or add cooked artichokes to pasta sauce, pizza or salads.

Asparagus. Although you can pick up asparagus at the supermarket any time of the year, it never tastes as good as freshly-harvested springtime asparagus. Grill, steam, or braise, and sprinkle with some kosher salt for a simple side-dish.

Carrots. Pair them with peanut butter for a quick and healthy midday snack, or make a side dish like glazed carrots for a gourmet dinner.

Collards. Abundant spring through fall, this dark leafy green is the main ingredient in famous southern greens recipes. Collards are also a rich source of calcium.

Fennel. Fennel slightly resembles celery, with a bulbous base, which is the part that you eat. Chop into small spears and sauté in olive oil and minced garlic until tender, then sprinkle with minced fresh parsley and cook a minute more.

Morels. These wild mushrooms are so treasured, there’s even a website dedicated to morel “hunting,” complete with message boards and photos of people’s finds. Morels are delicious sautéed or roasted, and boast a nutty, meaty flavor and a rich and creamy texture.

Mustard Greens. High in antioxidants and vitamins K and A, these dark leafy greens are as nutritious as they are flavorful. The raw leaves can be added to salads or steamed or boiled until tender.

New Potatoes. Although they can be mashed, these springtime babies are best roasted or boiled and topped with a pat of butter and some kosher salt to accentuate their fresh flavor.

Rhubarb. Most famous for its part in rhubarb pie, this perennial vegetable can be cooked and pureed to make a sweet sauce, or even used to make oatmeal-rhubarb bars. Just make sure you don’t eat the leaves, which are toxic.

Spinach. Mix with baby lettuce for an exceptional salad, or sauté with garlic to make a delicious side dish.

Spring Fruits
Fruit is always easy. It is ready to eat, and tastes great. But if you’re looking for some new ways to incorporate fruit into your menu besides the “grab and bite” technique, try fruit smoothies, fruit cobblers and fruit-topped pancakes and French toast.

  • Apricots. These delectable and delicate fruits are delicious fresh, cooked into a sauce, or grilled. Get them while you can, because they don’t last long!
  • Strawberries. Strawberry shortcake, strawberry smoothies, strawberries al a mode…the possibilities are endless.
  • Avocado. Avocadoes are an excellent source of healthy unsaturated fats, but many people don’t know what to do with them outside of whipping up some guacamole. Try them sliced on a sandwich, or cubed into salads. Just remember that they don’t keep well, so try to use them immediately.

Spring Seasonings
If you’ve done a little cooking, you probably know that the seasonings can make the meal. Here are some seasonal seasonings for your spring suppers.

  • Chives
  • Cilantro
  • Dill
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Watercress

If your pantry isn’t stocked with the season’s tastiest and most nutritious staples, then get yourself to your local farmer’s market and add flavor to your meals with the best spring seasonings. To find a farmer’s market near you, visit, and enjoy the bounty of spring!


Resourced From:

Baked Pepper Jack and Spinach Stuffed Chicken

Healthy Recipes Atlanta Personal Trainer


This recipe is simple, quick to prepare yet very delicious.  As busy personal trainers and  business owners, we often don’t get home until after 8:00–thus making it challenging to prepare, cook, and eat a healthy meal and still get into bed at a reasonable hour.  We often equate eating healthy with eating boring repetitive meals. However, dedicating your life to fitness and bettering your health doesn’t mean you have to eat plain chicken and broccoli at every meal.  This is just one easy way to spice your chicken up!



2 lbs of chicken (4 large chicken breasts–the leftovers can be used as lunch the next day)

Cajun Seasoning (I like Weber’s)

4 oz. Light Pepper Jack Cheese

1 bag Spinach OR 1 package of frozen spinach


1 bag of organic precut broccoli florets

1 Tbsp Olive Oil or Coconut Oil

Weber’s garlic and herb seasoning

*Serves about 4 people, or use the left-overs as your lunch for the next day (or dinner for 2 nights)!


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Wash and trim any fat off of the chicken breasts.  Cut about 4-6 slices in the chicken breasts (make sure to not slice all the way through the breasts).  Sprinkle your desired amount of Cajun seasoning on each side of every chicken breast.  Place the chicken breast on a non-stick baking pan lined with foil. Wash your hands and set aside.

Heat a pan on low heat and spray with non-stick cooking spray.  Saute spinach until it is wilted.  Take off of heat and let cool.  While spinach is cooling, cut the cheese into small slices (each breast will get about 1 oz of cheese or 2-3 slices).  Add slices of cheese and sautéed spinach to the slits you cut previously in the chicken breast.

For roasted broccoli, line a baking sheet with foil.  Toss broccoli with 1 tbsp of olive oil or coconut oil and sprinkle with your desired amount of garlic and herb seasonings.  Spread out on baking sheet.

Bake both the broccoli and chicken at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until chicken is thoroughly cooked.


From our kitchen to yours!








Live Life Fit

Client of the Month

Nicole Hogan 

atlanta personal training

Atlanta personal training

January/February 2014

 We have a first ever three month streak for Client of the Month at Brad Kolowich Jr’s personal training studio.  Nicole Hogan, 28, a full-time nurse at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and an O.R. Nurse at Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialist has been working non-stop in pursuit of competing in her first ever NPC Bikini Competition.  Through the holiday’s, Valentines, snow storms (and being stranded at the hospital), her birthday, illness and other special events, Nicole has let nothing be an excuse for reaching her goals she has set in place.  Nicole stays consistent with her workouts in the studio and on her own.  Since the start of the year, she has learned to take her nutrition to another level—prepping meals, counting her macronutrients more diligently, weighing and measuring everything to meet her ideal macronutrient make-up, and she even completed a trial run through of the dietary process to get stage ready!  This vigorous two week process involves sodium loading, then sodium depleting, water loading and then water depleting, and finally carb depleting and carb loading—and Nicole tackled it flawlessly!  A year after beginning her fitness journey, Nicole is in the best shape of her adult life.  In the picture above she has photographed her abs in March 2013 and again in February 2014.  She is a true testament to Richard G. Scott’s quote about consistency, “We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.”  Nicole will be competing March 21-22 in Pensacola, FL in the Panhandle Showdown Championships National Qualifier in hopes of receiving her national qualification to compete in other future National NPC Bikini events.  We wish you the best of luck Nicole!

Client of the Month:  Madeleine Conti

Brad Kolowich Jr Personal Training Studio

October 2013

     This time of year it is easy to let busy schedules, the cooler weather, sporting events, work commitments and ailing bodies get in the way of their training schedules. The client of the month for October however lets nothing get in the way of making her training a priority. Madeleine Conti, 22, is a Percussion Instructor at Woodward Academy. She also occupies her time as an entrepreneur running her own business of teaching private in-home music lessons. She makes the commute to Brad Kolowich Jr Personal Training Studio from Peachtree City and she is preparing for her first NPC Bikini Competition. Though Madeleine only trains with Brad once a week, she gets her daily workouts in on her own and follows a strict diet (prescribed by Brad) catered to helping her reach her specific goals. In September, Madeleine had what could have been a devastating injury, but she was determined to continue to push toward reaching her goals. While rushing into work one morning Madi clumsily made “friends” with a nasty curb. She was diagnosed at Urgent care with swelling of soft tissue in her ankle OR a severely sprained ankle. Most would take some time to let healing occur; however, Madeleine instead texted Brad from the ER with a message informing him of her injury and stating “We may need to shift my focus in my workout from legs tomorrow, but I will see you in the morning.” This is just a little glimpse into the motivation, determination and dedication Madi brings to reaching her fitness goals. Madeleline is the current female record holder in push-ups and dips and holds the overall sit-up and plank record with a 13:32 minute plank! Madi brings a positive attitude and smile to every workout! We thank you Madi for being a inspiration to us and the Brad Kolowich Jr Fitness studio! Congratulations and continue to reach for the stars!


If your goal is to lose weight (shed fat) and/or get lean, be sure to make the Tabata Protocol a part of your cardio program.  (20 seconds of effort followed by 10 seconds rest for a total of 8 sets).

The Tabata can be done with any exercise although some examples include:

Kettlebell swings




Squat jumps

Jumping jacks

Jump ropes

and the list goes on and on…

Also, even better than keeping track on your stopwatch is by downloading a FREE Tabata app for your smartphone which chimes you in and out of your 20/10 sets.  There are multiple out there and they all serve the same purpose.

Now go do some Tabating’ and watch how fast you start to shed the fat!

– Brad

Supplement Review:  Make BETA-ALANINE a part of your supplement arsenal.

Here’s why:

Although you get this amino acid through small amounts in meats, it’s not enough to maximize your gains in the gym. Supplementing with 1.5-3 gram in both your pre and post workout drink will ensure that you maximize your strength and power output, increase your muscular endurance, train at a greater intensity, as well as boost your intra-muscular carnosine levels (precursor to nitric oxide (NO) production = greater pump and vascularity).

Many pre-workout powders on the market already include beta-alanine in the mix so no need to add in this case although you may consider adding to your post-workout shake as well. Most reputable supplement companies sell beta-alanine, although I’ve been happy with Allmax Nutrition’s product.

– Brad

Is a Multivitamin Necessary?


Here’s why:

Research proves that those who train intensely lose many critical vitamins and minerals such as zinc, copper, magnesium, copper, selenium, chromium, vitamin B, and vitamin C.  The primary cause of the loss is due to their increased use for energy production during the workout as well as for recovery and protein synthesis following the workout.  Being deficient in any of these vitamins and minerals will hamper your performance, fat loss, and muscle growth.  Many doctors and dietitians claim that a multi is not necessary is you eat a well-rounded diet, BUT even with the best of intentions, we all fall a little short one day or another.

For guys, one of my current favorites is Animal Pak.  For ladies, I like Opti Women although for both guys and ladies there are many other great one’s out there as well, just be sure to pick up one that covers at least 100% DV for most vitamins and minerals.

– BradUnknown

Source: Dr. Jim Stoppani