


Want to see how hard you can push yourself — and have fun doing it? Join us for our Co-Ed Super Challenge! Led by Adam Gil, one of Atlanta’s top fitness instructors, this intense 1.5-hour workout will challenge you mentally as well as physically.

Be prepared to sweat, get dirty, handle kettle bells, lift dumb bells, carry sandbags, push sleds, flip tires, go for a little ruck, and make a bunch of new friends while throwing up…ahh, I mean throwing down! … to some of the best music around (Adam, as it turns out, is also a very popular DJ, so the playlist is sure to be on point.)
All you need to bring is your H20, comfortable clothing you can sweat and get messy in, workout gloves if you’re afraid of a little dirt, your A-game and a positive, no-quit attitude, and you’re good to go!
Though this workout might bring you close to your breaking point, or past it, you’re sure to leave with a big ol’ smile and a “wow, I just kicked some butt” glow. See you there!


$40 per class


Saturday, November 19th

Saturday, December 10th




Contact us at: 

To sign-up! 




We are excited to share that “FITTER FASTER” will be released in the Spring of 2017!!!

A huge thank you to my friend Dr Robert Davis, our wonderful publisher American Management Association, our proof readers and editors, Mandy Malool for bearing with me through countless long days, nights, and weekends, and the many others involved in helping make this dream a reality. Thank you, thank you!


Brad Kolowich Jr





Christy Fennessy

October 2016

Congratulations to our Client of the Month, Christy Fennessy! Christy came to our studio as an avid athlete and fitness instructor; however, she wanted to improve her strength and reach new levels. Therefore, Christy began to work with Adam Gil, and with his help, she was able to get stronger and fitter.

Christy recently completed a five-hour endurance event called the GO RUCK Light. That wasn’t enough, though, so she followed in Adam’s footsteps and did a GO RUCK Tough. GO RUCK Tough lasted 11 hours and consisted of 2,090 stairs, 17 miles, no sleep, carrying weight in her backpack and other weights along with her team. “The stairs were definitely the hardest part, but I felt ready, thanks to Adam’s brutal workouts,” Christy says.

Great job, Christy – we are proud of your hard work and dedication!




Paige Crawford

September 2016

Cincinnati native Paige Crawford, 26, moved with her fiancé (soon to be husband) to Atlanta in July 2015.  Prior to moving, Paige visited the studio and consulted with Mandy to get a solid nutrition plan and set long-term and short-term fitness goals with the end goal being wedding ready for her September 17th nuptials!  Paige has set weight loss, body composition and strength and endurance goals this past year.  She has lost more than 18 total inches (4 in the waist) and over 14 pounds while gaining lean muscle mass and drastically decreasing her body fat.  In addition to her weight loss, Paige set a goal to complete her first Peachtree Road Race and has a new time goal for an upcoming ½ marathon in December.  She is also the current studio record holder for the V-Max and 500m row.

Paige’s dedication to setting goals and bettering her health and fitness is unbelievably inspiring!  Thanks Paige for filling the studio with your warm smile, positive attitude, caring personality and drive to succeed!

Please join us in wishing Paige congrats on her success in and out of the gym and best wishes on her special day and upcoming marriage!


Happy September, everyone!

Continue believing in yourselves, working hard and being the best version of you!

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Trainer Spotlight: Mandy Malool

Mandy’s favorite exercise:  Deadlift

Why Mandy loves the deadlift:

  • Minimal equipment required
  • Works more muscles simultaneously than any other movement
  • Builds core stability
  • Helps increase cardiovascular fitness
  • Has real life application
  • The main muscle group focus is on the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Who doesn’t want to ensure they are looking good from the back as well as the front?!?!

Pictured Below: Mandy performing the deadlift.





The craze for avocados has increased over the past few years. Not only are people discovering more and more recipes, but they are also discovering health remedies with avocados. Avocados can be used for numerous things, and almost never fail to make a snack or meal more tasty. Who doesn’t love guacamole, avocado and eggs or avocado toast? People even enjoy eating avocados by themselves these days!

Avocados surely are a delicious superfood, full of good fats and vitamins; so, why not dig down a little deeper into what exactly is so healthy and great about avocados?

Below are some fun facts about avocados (adapted from:


  1. They’re high in “good fat.” Avocados are packed with monounsaturated fats, which fight heart disease and can reduce potentially harmful cholesterol.
  2. Antioxidants are abundant in avocado. Avocados are full of antioxidants, which are believed to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  3. Avocados are chock-full of vitamins. Amounts of the vitamins in avocado can vary, but the fruit is full of important vitamins K, C, B5, B6, and E.
  4. They’ve got protein! Unlike many other fruits, an avocado actually contains protein. The amount of protein depends on the size of the fruit, but about 100 grams of avocado contains 2 grams of protein.
  5. You don’t have to eat avocado to reap benefits. OK, eating avocados is really good for you, but it’s also a great addition to your beauty routine.
  6. You can substitute avocado in place of more fattening oils or butter. The California Avocado Association details how avocado can be a healthier alternative to regular baking ingredients.
  7. It might be a nutrient booster. The growers’ group also suggests that avocado consumption could help the body absorb other nutrients from food; one study seems to support this idea.
  8. They’re good for pregnant women. Avocados contain folate, which is essential for growing babies.
  9. And don’t forget about the potassium. Avocados, like bananas, contain potassium, which is an important mineral to consume for a number of bodily functions and processes.

Image source: @carolkolofit

Adapted from:

Here’s Exactly How Much You Should Be Exercising If You Sit at a Desk All Day, Says Science 

The perils of sitting all day aren’t good. Researchers have shown that remaining stationary for extended periods of time (like at your 9-to-5 desk job) can be detrimental to your health. While exercise is a big part of offsetting the harmful effects of sitting, it was unclear how many gym sessions were needed to help — until now.

A new study, published in The Lancet, shows the ideal formula for counteracting the negative effects of a sedentary job. Instead of a fixed number of hours spent exercising, the ratio depends on how much you sit: people who work a typical eight-hour day should spend at least one hour each day moving; if you sit six hours a day, you should spend half an hour exercising. The research also indicated that the exercise doesn’t have to be all at once — or rigorous. It can be spread throughout the day and be as simple as walking.

The team behind the study analyzed data from a pool of a million adults over the age of 45 in Western Europe, the United States, and Australia. Using previous data, the researchers examined data from 16 published studies and used it to determine how much exercise is required to compensate for sitting. Their recommended daily exercise goal is higher than previous advice but not necessarily less attainable, given it can be completed throughout the day.

Fitting in an hour of exercise a day sounds especially daunting if you have a desk job, but there are plenty of workouts you can complete before and after work. Even if it means taking a 10-minute walk during lunch, your body will thank you in the long run.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Benjamin Stone
Product Credit: Nike

Adapted From:

Happy August, Everyone!

We are excited to be bringing monthly newsletters back into the mix here at the studio. Through our monthly newsletters we will be sharing exciting events and news occurring at the studio as well as in our clients’ lives. If you are a client and have something big coming up in future months please keep us posted and we are happy to share in our studio newsletter!

We hope you all have an awesome August and continue to work hard to reach your goals and live the life you have always wanted to live. YOU can do whatever you set your mind to and YOU deserve to be happy; never forget that.

“In order to succeed we must first believe that we can.”

august newsletter


Caroline Kolowich


fit pregnancy

April 2016

We are proud to introduce you to our April 2016 client of the month, Beth Wellesley! Beth, 33, has been on a path to success since the day she walked in for her first session over 3 years ago.  When Beth first came to Brad Kolowich Jr Personal Training Studio she was preparing for her upcoming wedding. Since her June 2013 nuptials, Beth has continued to commit to two workouts a week AND (other than travel) she has yet to miss a single workout! Beth has sustained a healthy lean physique through regular strength training, walking, yoga and having a positive ‘can-do’ attitude!

Late last summer Beth announced she and her husband would be expecting their first child in May 2016.  At 35 weeks pregnant, Beth has continued to work full time and sustain her regular training schedule. Though step-ups, push-ups and bench dips might not feel as easy as they did nine months ago, you won’t hear Beth complain but rather you’ll see her smiling through the task at hand.  Her optimistic disposition and dedication to she and her growing baby’s health is nothing short of exceptionally inspiring! Thank you Beth for being a source of motivation and inspiration for us all! Congrats on your growing family and best wishes as you round the corner to the final weeks of your pregnancy!