

Heat, along with light and oxygen, can destroy the beneficial fats in some oils. Polyunsaturated fats are the most fragile and are not recommended for cooking. Coconut oil, being mainly a saturated fat, is able to withstand higher temperatures than other oils, making it one of the best oils for cooking. It also gives a delicious taste and superb texture to foods. (

At Fit Chow Atlanta, coconut oil is the only oil being used during any cooking that requires high heat.  To try Fit Chow, visit our website at


Each week, Brad and I each enjoy our very own 5-Day meal plan from Fit Chow Atlanta. We thought it may be helpful for you to see how each of us incorporate these very foods into our daily dietary intake. The most challenging part has been deciding which entrée to dive into first!

As you can see this is A LOT of food, but as you know, you should be eating small frequent meals throughout the day in order to optimize your metabolism, stabilize blood sugar and help ward-off unwanted late night binges on foods that won’t help you reach your fitness goals. Here is what a day of eating looks like for me (Mandy) and Brad, using the 6oz and the 8oz meat and vegetable portions provided by Fit Chow Atlanta.

Daily Meal Schedule (Mandy):

Breakfast– 4oz meat, 1 small fruit

Snack 1– 2oz meat

Lunch– 4oz meat, 4oz veggies

Snack 2– protein shake

Dinner– 4oz meat, 4oz veggies

Bedtime Snack– Frozen Greek Yogurt Dessert


Daily Meal Schedule (Brad):

Breakfast– 3 whole eggs, protein shake + fruit + veggies

Snack 1– protein shake

Lunch– 6oz meat, 4oz veggies

Snack 2– protein shake

Dinner– 8oz meat, 4oz veggies

Bedtime Snack– Frozen Greek Yogurt Dessert

To view the menu and order your Fit Chow, go to