
timing is everything--brad kolowich jr persoanl training trainer atlantaTiming is everything!

When it comes to health and fitness, timing is everything. That is exactly what inspired the creation of Brad Kolowich Jr’s trademark double orange dot at the start of his business logo. The double dots resemble the dots on a standard digital clock. Brad says, “Everything we do is calculated to the T–from our workouts to nutrition to supplementation to recovery time.”

When trying to reach your fitness goals, one of the most important times of the days are the 2-3 hours that encompass the start and end of your workout. Brad Kolowich Jr and his team of personal trainers try to help educate and support our clients on what supplements to take to best support your body before, during and after your workouts to aid in performance and recovery. Here is a sample supplement timing guide to help make the most of your workout (suggestions vary client to client, based of his/her individual goals).

The focus of pre-workout nutrition should be on sustaining energy, increasing performance, and supporting the body to reach his/her physique goals. Take these supplements about 30-45 minutes prior to your workout.
Creatine–increases the body’s supply of ATP (energy production). Creatine increases strength and muscle gain when used in conjunction with an exercise program.
Caffeine–improves endurance, reduces muscle pain, and help mobilize fat stores. It may even help to motivate you to workout for a longer period of time.

During Workout
Hydration is critical! Water is best, but you may choose to sip on workout drinks that provide energy and replenish electrolytes, depending on the intensity and duration of your exercise.
Electrolyte drinks–rehydrate and replenish minerals lost during sweating. For long duration events, you may supplement with a drink that provides carbs for energy.
Energy drinks–ideal for extended periods of exercise to boost endurance.
L-Carnosine–helps reduce lactic acid build up in the muscles, enhance muscle contraction and promote muscle recovery.

Post Workout
Post-workout nutrition is the key to timely recovery and repair. The majority of your muscle strength and building happens after the workout! A liquid meal immediately following your workout is the quickest way to replenish and rehydrate the body. Consuming a liquid meal no more than 30-45 minutes post workout will stop the body from going into a catabolic state and ensure you have protein available for the continued protein breakdown occurring.
Protein–is necessary to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and reduce protein breakdown. Whey protein is quickly absorbed and is easy to digest post-workout. It provides the body will all the essential amino acids necessary for muscle recovery. A post-workout shake with a mix of whey, casein and carbs is our favorite way to end a workout.
Glutamine–reduces muscle soreness and speeds up recovery while also supporting the immune system.

Contact us: to learn more about the supplements which would help you best reach your goals!



adapted from Amazing Wellness

What will you treat yourself to this Valentine’s Day?

how many calories in your valentine's day treats

Whether you are single, taken, or somewhere in-between, during this “love filled” season it is likely you have already been bombarded with candy. Red and pink colored candy, chocolates, truffles, cakes, frosted and sugar covered cookies, and chocolate covered strawberries cover the isles in grocery stores. There is no escaping these temptations! Tomorrow from the office candy jars to your desk that is likely to get filled with sweet treats by friends, co-workers and loved ones and your children coming home with boxes filled with sugar, your willpower is going to be tested. So what is the best Valentine Day treat to reach for when you feel your willpower stripping away as your potential stress from the holiday builds up???? Godiva chocolate or five Hershey’s Kisses, which would be the more waistline friendly pick?

Hershey Kisses, according to, will only set you back 112 calories, 6.7 grams of fat, and 12.9 grams of sugar. Godiva, though delicious, are filled with cream and other sugary extras, packing them with twice the amounts of calories, fat and sugar per serving. Your best option is to reach for the dark chocolate, which is packed with antioxidants (just be mindful how many times your hand reaches in the bag or box and don’t plow through the entire collection in one sitting).

At Brad Kolowich Jr’s personal training studio our personal trainers will be gifting our clients with a sensible way to satisfy their chocolate cravings this Valentine season. Pictured above is a special heart-shaped Red Velvet Protein Bar frosted with dark chocolate. The bar contains only 127 calories, 11 grams of carbs, 4 grams of fat, <1 gram of sugar, and 12 grams of protein. Here is how this healthy treat stands up in comparison to some other valentine favorites:

Valentine’s Treat Calories Fat Sugar
Panera Heart Cookie (1 cookie) 420 21 g 27 g
Target Mini Cupcakes (3 cupcakes) 350 17 g 40 g
Krispy Kreme Heart Donut  (1 donut) 300 16 g 19 g
Entenmann’s Golden Cupcake (1 cupcake) 290 14 g 33 g
Little Debbie Be My Valentine Snack Cake (1 cake) 290 13 g 27 g
Hershey’s Marshmallow Heart (1 king-sized heart) 240 7 g 35 g
Frosted Pillsbury Fun-Fetti Cupcake (1 cupcake) 200 5 g 22.5 g
Harry & David Chocolate-Covered Cherries (4 cherries) 190 10 g 13 g
Harry & David Raspberry Shortbread Cookies (2 cookies) 170 9 g 9 g
Nestle Valentine Brownie Bites (3 mini brownies) 170 9 g 18 g
Reese’s Peanut Butter Heart (1 heart) 170 10 g 16 g
Butterfinger Heart (1 heart) 160 8 g 18 g
Jelly Belly Valentine Mix (1.5 oz) 160 3 g 29 g
Chocolate-Covered Strawberry (average) (1 berry) 140 8 g 15 g
M&Ms Valentine’s Fun-Size Pack (1 pouch) 140 5 g 18 g
Snickers Valentine Minis (4 pieces) 130 6 g 15g
Trolli Valentine’s Gummy Candies (13 pieces) 130 0 g 24 g
Pillsbury Valentine Sugar Cookies (2 cookies) 120 6 g 8 g
Target Valentine Fruit Snacks (1 pouch) 80 0 g 14 g
Brach’s Conversation Heart Candies (11 pieces) 60 0 g 14 g


*Chart from

-Written by, Mandy Malool ISSA-CFT, SFN