

Each week, Brad and I each enjoy our very own 5-Day meal plan from Fit Chow Atlanta. We thought it may be helpful for you to see how each of us incorporate these very foods into our daily dietary intake. The most challenging part has been deciding which entrée to dive into first!

As you can see this is A LOT of food, but as you know, you should be eating small frequent meals throughout the day in order to optimize your metabolism, stabilize blood sugar and help ward-off unwanted late night binges on foods that won’t help you reach your fitness goals. Here is what a day of eating looks like for me (Mandy) and Brad, using the 6oz and the 8oz meat and vegetable portions provided by Fit Chow Atlanta.

Daily Meal Schedule (Mandy):

Breakfast– 4oz meat, 1 small fruit

Snack 1– 2oz meat

Lunch– 4oz meat, 4oz veggies

Snack 2– protein shake

Dinner– 4oz meat, 4oz veggies

Bedtime Snack– Frozen Greek Yogurt Dessert


Daily Meal Schedule (Brad):

Breakfast– 3 whole eggs, protein shake + fruit + veggies

Snack 1– protein shake

Lunch– 6oz meat, 4oz veggies

Snack 2– protein shake

Dinner– 8oz meat, 4oz veggies

Bedtime Snack– Frozen Greek Yogurt Dessert

To view the menu and order your Fit Chow, go to

Fit Chow
Now serving the Atlanta area!

Fit Chow Atlanta healthy all natural meal service

Brad and I are excited to announce we have launched a healthy meal service! We know how challenging it can be to manage jobs, family, chores, working out, appointment, etc. and still manage to cook/eat clean meals. Fit Chow was designed to not only help you balance all of life’s challenges, but will allow you to spend more time doing the things you love with the people you love and less time in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.

Fit Chow provides healthy meals using only the freshest ingredients available. All of our foods are all-natural, never frozen, and are never processed or pre-packaged. You will enjoy freshly made, fully cooked food prepared to absolute perfection. All ingredients have been carefully chosen by Brad and myself (A.C.E. certified personal trainer, longevity specialist, specialist in fitness nutrition) and an award winning executive chef. Each health-conscious menu has been designed and constructed using hormone-free and antibiotic-free poultry, grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish and pesticide free fruits and vegetables. No hydrogenated oils or margarine, MSG, fillers, white flour, white sugar, white salt or non-food ingredients are ever used! The focus of each menu is on quality, variety and health. We strive to take the monotony out of your dietary intake while also allowing you to invest your time into luxuries outside of the kitchen. Yet, rest assure you are eating a wholesome healthy meal that will keep you on track to reaching your health and fitness related goals.

To view our weekly menu and to learn more about Fit Chow Atlanta, go to