
From health journalist Davis and personal trainer Kolowich comes this precise guide to overcoming fitness barriers and exercising efficiently via high-intensity interval and circuit training. Davis and Kolowich break down the process of getting fit into four key parts: get ready, get smart, get more out of exercise, and get going. They begin with motivational facts: in addition to increasing life expectancy and improving health, exercise also enables better sex and sleep, among other benefits. Instead of providing specific motivation plans, the authors provide thoughtful advice that is widely applicable: make a game plan, make winning a goal, and reward yourself. Part two details the fundamentals of aerobic activity, strength training, and stretching, and part three gives instructions on what to consume (protein, complex carbs, water) and how to prevent “bad pain.” The final section presents a varied, customizable workout regimen that can also be done in as little as 15 minutes. What separates this guide from others is its commitment to facts and plans backed by science and research; throughout, the authors debunk myths and answer questions such as “Does sex before physical activity impair athletic performance?” and “Does more sweating mean a more intense workout?” This is an important read for exercise hopefuls and aficionados alike. (June)

Book Review found on:



Enter the Giveaway for your chance to win FITTER FASTER for free!  To enter, click the image below:

Availability: 2 copies available

Giveaway dates: April 13 – May 01, 2017

Countries available: US

Format: Print Book

You don’t want to miss this awesome opportunity to win your copy of FITTER FASTER for FREE!  We are so excited to share this amazing book with you all!

Have a great Tuesday!



By Dr. Mercola

If you’re looking for the best strategy to dramatically improve your health, then you’ve come to the right place.

Many people today struggle with weight issues, diseases, and other health problems that impair their ability to enjoy life. Many resort to pharmaceutical drugs and other conventional methods to relieve their symptoms, but these are actually just Band-Aid solutions that typically result in more harm than good.

What they don’t realize is that they can significantly improve their health by just changing their diet and eating habits. And this program will help you achieve exactly that.

Fact: High-Quality Fat Is One of the Most Important Nutrients for You

Conventional physicians, nutritionists, and public health experts have long claimed that dietary fat promotes heart disease and obesity. This deception caused people to follow conventional low-fat, high-carb diets, which ruined the health of millions. Today, the general guideline for dietary fat intake is that it should only be 10 percent of your overall diet.

I believe that this is one of the most destructive health recommendations that have pervaded the U.S. food system, because you need at least 50 to 75 percent of your daily calorie intake in the form of healthy fats. This is one of the basic principles that I have incorporated in my Nutritional Plan.

So what is good fat and how can you distinguish it from unhealthy ones? We’ll discuss this more in detail as you go along this program.

Saturated fats from animal and vegetable sources are an important component of this program, as they provide you with a number of important health benefits and help in the proper functioning of your:

– Immune System

– Cell Membranes

– Heart

– Lungs

– Liver

– Bones

– Hormones

– Genetic Regulation

Saturated fats also promote satiety, reducing your hunger pangs so you avoid binge eating and unhealthy food cravings. By following this high-fat, low-carb diet, you will be able to optimize your weight and avoid virtually all chronic degenerative diseases.

This Optimized Healthy Food Pyramid Will Turn Your Health Around

The original food pyramid created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) promotes a diet that has grains, pasta, and bread at its base (meaning they make up the majority of your diet) and fats at the top, or the smallest portion. But this can spell trouble, as grains break down into sugar in your body, driving insulin and leptin resistance.

I strongly believe that for optimal health, you should follow the opposite: increase your intake of healthy saturated fats and limit your grain and sugar intake. I’ve created my own Food Pyramid based on this ratio.


I also believe that you should always be conscious of what you eat – this means avoiding all processed foods that are loaded with additives, harmful chemicals, and genetically engineered ingredients that could put your health at risk.



Adapted from:



Happy New Year, everyone! Let’s make this year the best together!

Caroline Kolowich


Strawberry Santa’s 


  1. Strawberries
  2. Siggi’s Plain Yogurt (or Greek yogurt of your choice)
  3. Black icing gel


  1. Frosting piping or Ziploc bag with the bottom corner cut off (for swirling yogurt on Santa “body”)


  1. Rinse the strawberries. Cut off the leaves. Next, cut off the pointed ends of the strawberries (this will be the Santa “hat”). Dab the newly cut edges on paper towel (the paper towel absorbs the strawberry juice, keeping the yogurt from sliding).
  2. Gently swirl the yogurt on the “body” of the Santa.
  3. Place the Santa “hat” on top of the yogurt.
  4. Lastly, carefully add the eyes with black icing. Enjoy!

*** Optional: Freeze after making and before serving ***


Happy Holidays!

Caroline Kolowich


Who else has heard that consuming Apple Cider Vinegar, daily, is a smart thing to do?  Well, research studies have proven this to be true!  Apple Cider Vinegar has numerous health benefits that could be well worth including it in your diet, daily.  Below, we have included a simplified list of the many health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.

1.   Lowers Blood Pressure

2.   Lowers Cholesterol

3.   Lowers Blood Sugar Levels – Great for Diabetes

4.   Balances pH Balance in the Body

5.   Helps Relieve Sinus Pressure & Infection

6.   Helps Sore Throat – Bacteria Fighting

7.   Prevents Flu & Stomach Illness

8.   Digestive Aid

9.   Helps Relieve Heart Burn, Nausea, Acid Reflux

10. Helps with Weight Loss – makes you feel more full

11. Energy Boost

12. Conditions and Strengthens Hair

13. Helps Get Rid of Warts

14. Helps Acne – acts as a good skin toner

15. Itchy or Sunburned Skin

2 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar a day can be SO BENEFICIAL!  Make sure to drink yours today!

How to drink it? … Mix in with water or even use it in recipes!


I hope you all enjoy!

Caroline Kolowich



Want to see how hard you can push yourself — and have fun doing it? Join us for our Co-Ed Super Challenge! Led by Adam Gil, one of Atlanta’s top fitness instructors, this intense 1.5-hour workout will challenge you mentally as well as physically.

Be prepared to sweat, get dirty, handle kettle bells, lift dumb bells, carry sandbags, push sleds, flip tires, go for a little ruck, and make a bunch of new friends while throwing up…ahh, I mean throwing down! … to some of the best music around (Adam, as it turns out, is also a very popular DJ, so the playlist is sure to be on point.)
All you need to bring is your H20, comfortable clothing you can sweat and get messy in, workout gloves if you’re afraid of a little dirt, your A-game and a positive, no-quit attitude, and you’re good to go!
Though this workout might bring you close to your breaking point, or past it, you’re sure to leave with a big ol’ smile and a “wow, I just kicked some butt” glow. See you there!


$40 per class


Saturday, November 19th

Saturday, December 10th




Contact us at: 

To sign-up! 




We are excited to share that “FITTER FASTER” will be released in the Spring of 2017!!!

A huge thank you to my friend Dr Robert Davis, our wonderful publisher American Management Association, our proof readers and editors, Mandy Malool for bearing with me through countless long days, nights, and weekends, and the many others involved in helping make this dream a reality. Thank you, thank you!


Brad Kolowich Jr